Hidden Acres Golf Course
Est. 1968

"The trees taunt you, the sand mocks you, the water calls your name, and they say golf is a quiet game." Anonymous
Wednesday League
2025 League Play Begins April 16th
Weekly Low Score
September 4
Low Gross
37 - Stephen Shaw
39 - Dave Hobbs
41 - Tim Tott
Alex Lyle
Low Net
31 - Sam Bogenreif
32 - Glen Boehmer
33 - Dave Hobbs
Kent McCuddin
Tim Tott
Congratulations to 2024 Winners
Stephen Shaw & Lowell Shaw

Team Player Standings
1 R Buys / D Coulson 11H
2 A Cave / C Neumann 11H
3 S Hansen / R Beisner 10
4 L Shaw / S Shaw 15
5 W Peck / J Vaughn 12
6 J Bogenreif / S Bogenreif 13H
7 A Batcheller / D Batcheller 13
8 R Heydon / A Lyle 12
9 J Koch / C Butler 11H
10 G Boehmer / R Jones 8H
11 D Johnson / T Tott 9
12 J Bracht / B Hegarty 10
13 A Witmer / R Miller 9
14 D Schroeder / K Luft 9
15 J Lane / K McCuddin 10H
16 T VanBuskirk / M Schnee 2
“Forget your opponents; always play against par.”
Sam Snead