Hidden Acres Golf Course
Est. 1968

"The trees taunt you, the sand mocks you, the water calls your name, and they say golf is a quiet game." Anonymous
Weekly Low Scores
September 10
Low Gross
35 - Stephen Shaw
38 - Chris Winkel
39 - Alex Lyle
Dennis Livermore
Low Net
26 - Dennis Livermore
32 - Michael Nichols
Craig Butler
Steve Claussen
Matt Scott
Tuesday League
2025 League Play Begins April 15th
Congratulations to 2024 Winners!
Lucas Kukuk & Brad Kukuk
Golf anytime after 4:00.
Pairings of your choice.
Dinner served promptly at 7:30.

Team Player Standings
1 M Bertrand / J Larson 27
2 K Ridgway / S Claussen 28H
3 J Street / D Jones 32
4 T Rogers / S Shaw 29
5 J Hanno / M Struve 34H
6 C Butler / T Dutcher 30
7 T Rubel / M Heger 28
8 J O'Hern / J Stusse 26H
9 J Hughes / A Lyle 22H
10 S Billiet /T Berger /M Scott 25H
11 G McCarthy / P McElroy 29H
12 C Winkel / D Winkel 33H
13 L Bennett / M Nichols 35
14 J Trobaugh / D Taylor 12
15 W Haltli / K Routon 32H
16 C Simons / S Pflanz 15H
17 B Hegarty / D Hobbs 35H
18 B Kukuk / L Kukuk 36
“The woods are full of long drivers.”
Harvey Penick